Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Riki Klages

Interesting juxtapositions of nature and man-made 
(though I am not sure that is the concept Riki was going for in her paintings).

My last semester at the University of Wyoming I had a chance to get to know Ricki more.  In my watercolor class I learned that she is a master when it comes to understanding, creating and mixing colors.  She is well versed not only in technical aspects of oil paints but watercolors as well.

Check out my blog to see some of my watercolors.

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Diana Baumbach

Evidence (1 & 2), Diana Baumbach, 2010
Diana Baumbach is one of the 2D Foundations professors at the University of Wyoming.  She was my supervisor for a gallery internship and has taught classes such as Critical Art Theory, where students discuss contemporary and even controversial topics in the field of art.

Her work tends to be tedious and repetitive.  These works were created by punching many tiny holes through white paper.  Diana's work always inspires my repetitious nature such as creating 230 nooses as well as the use of an achromatic color palate also from my Make it Plain series.